Patent Monetization Is Tip of Iceberg, Financiers Say
Bloomberg BNA – November 21, 2016
There’s more to finding the value in large patent portfolios than just trying to monetize them. Intellectual property financiers at the IP Dealmakers Forum in New York suggested Nov. 18 that companies seek creative opportunities for IP investments and transactions that go beyond traditional options for monetization. But getting IP and finance experts together on innovative deals can be challenging. Read more.
USPTO could change direction under Trump administration
Managing Intellectual Property – November 21, 2016
A panel on the US election at the IP Dealmakers Forum speculated that the Trump administration may take a long time to appoint a USPTO director and the Republican leadership that worked on patent bills in the previous Congress will again push for reform. Read more.
Schecter warns against upsetting balance between trade secrets and patents
Managing Intellectual Property – November 21, 2016
IBM’s Manny Schecter cautioned against making trade secrets protection too strong on a panel discussing the Defend Trade Secrets Act at the IP Dealmakers Forum. Read more.
What’s Coming On IP For The US, Geneva? An Interview With Q. Todd Dickinson
Intellectual Property Watch – November 21, 2016
Q. Todd Dickinson is a shareholder at Polsinelli law firm, and was director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) under President Clinton, a former lead IP counsel for two Fortune 50 corporations, and most recently executive director of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). In an interview with Intellectual Property Watch on 18 November in the margins of the IP Dealmakers conference in New York, Dickinson discussed US prospects for national and international IP policy after the presidential election, changes in Geneva, reform of US IP law, and repairing relationships. Read more.
IP Market Updates
Tangible IP – November 21, 2016